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About LaoJia

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In June1981 ,Flying participated Beijing City Fine Arts Exhibition, winning a prize.


1994,Grassland Son was selected for the "8th National Art Exhibition,” winning an award for outstanding work


In August 2004, during the “Huang Binhong International Research Symposium Series Exhibition” put on by the China National Academy of Arts at the National Art Museum of China, Lao Jia won the China National Academy of Arts "Huang Binhong Award."


In December, Streaming Iron won the by the French Saumur International Horse Art Festival Special Jury Prize.


In February 2008,Lao Jia attended the "2008 Ministry of Culture Market Development Center Art Assessment Commission Annual Banquet,” winning the Commission’s 2007 Jury Award for Outstanding Artist.


In October2013,Lao Jia went to Shandong to attend the opening ceremony of the "10th China Art Festival · National Excellent Art Exhibition" at the Shandong Museum of Art with work Contest participating in the exhibition and winning a prize for excellent work.